Moss Hair Priorities

Work: “Can you come in early today?”Me: “Uhhhhh … no. Prior engagement,” as I assist my forest friend who’s decided to try out a new moss hair-do. 😀 There are priorities in life. The inner child’s happiness comes first, then the adulting. Otherwise, the brain goes through the day fighting with inner tantrums, yelling, andContinue reading “Moss Hair Priorities”

The Game

You’re a great mystical, magical, super being, but you’re getting bored. There are no challenges left, and you think, what is there to become? To create? Are there more superpowers to attain? What have I not accomplished? After much consideration you realise, the only game left to play, the hardest one yet which you haven’tContinue reading “The Game”

The Inside Job

As astrologer Molly McCord titled her recent video, the new moon on 11/13/23 is indeed full of “Volatile Changes, Shake-Ups”, with an opportunity, to “Move Forward With A Deeper Sense of Power”. But accessing one’s internal power means removing the debris field that’s stands between you and your relationship with self. Deal breakers in relationshipsContinue reading “The Inside Job”


The zen master shot an arrow in the dark, struck and split the first arrow in the bullseye. The student wondered how, without visibly seeing the target, his teacher could be so accurate. “You believe you need your eyes to see because you believe the world is out there, beyond. You are the arrow, youContinue reading “Intuition.”

Healing Land of Trauma

Each day I take a glance at the mainstream news headlines to know who or what could use some prayers. Yesterday I learned that two lives were swiftly lost in a flash of anger, and the event occurred outside of where a favorite family restaurant once existed. As the saying goes, “We all live downstream,”Continue reading “Healing Land of Trauma”


🌿”Rejoice in the green fire of life!”🌿 Fiona MacLeod Yes, indeed! As the wheel of the year turns we finally seemed to have arrived at (a late) spring. Excellent time to clean house, internally and externally. One doesn’t have to wait for spring to indulge in parsley, a powerhouse plant known for its high vitamin/mineralContinue reading “Tabbouleh!”

🥭 Mango Dreams 🥭

I’m back! It’s a been a ridiculously long hiatus, but so much new stuff to share! One of my latest discoveries is how to make a non-dairy mango lassi drink, or maybe you’d call it pudding, or mango meringue! Wooo hoo ❣️ Whatever texture adjective you like, it’s just yummay! Back in the day I’dContinue reading “🥭 Mango Dreams 🥭”