Children of the ☀️

☀️ photo: R.Chante

The portal of Light so shines on the world,
this little, blue planet of stardust and dreams.

The river of Light breathes onto flowers and trees,
tiny, winged life in its streams.

Be as the ☀️, the mighty true Light,
Shine brightly in the face of fear.

Love as the ☀️ with equality to all life,
shine your Light on this planet so dear.

☀️ on Earth. Photo: R.Chante

6 thoughts on “Children of the ☀️

  1. This beautiful Regina🌻 I just saw this when I needed to sign on to my email for studies this morning. It sure helps me appreciate the beautiness of our blue planet 🌎 and all the beautiful things that are in it as 🌞and 🌝 shines it’s beautiful glorious beams of sunlight among us all💖🐾🕊🐬🌲🌾🍄🌹💫💦🐰

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